- 8th National Braford Auction
- 15 June 2022, Davel
Bulls, 16 / 15
Highest – R90 000 (Bonheur GM1891, Lot 5 as well as Thiele TH1850, Lot 7)
Average – R65 333
Semen, 80 / 80
Average – R800 p/s
3-in-1 Female, 2 / 2
Highest – R46 000
Average – R41 500
Heifer in Calf, 66 / 66
Highest – R34 000
Average – R24 185

- 2nd Bonheur Braford Production Auction
- 22 June 2022, Bethal
Highest – R140 000 (Bonheur GM1890, Lot 4)
Average – R59 800
Highest – R24 000
Average – R22 714
Congratulations to Nicjac Pieterse on the winning bid for the highest-priced bull. Well done to the sellers and all of the new owners of these exceptional Brafords!

- Thiele Holdings 7th Production Auction
- 6 July 2022, Paulpietersburg
Bulls, 29/29
Highest – R215 000 (Thiele TH19264, Lot 13)
Average – R73 793
Congratulations to Ulrich Viljoen from Utrecht for purchasing the highest-priced bull.

- 10th Meaker Production Auction
- 20 July 2022, Warden
Bulls, 35/35
Highest – R95 000 (Meaker M19207, Lot 9)
Average – R53 285
Cow in Calf, 10 / 10
Average – R27 500
Heifer in Calf, 20 / 20
Average – R24 875
Open Heifer, 20 / 20
Average – R19 250
Congratulations to Carl de Jager from Ladysmith for winning the bid on the highest-priced bull of the day!

- OTVL Bull Sale
- 27 July 2022, Ermelo
Highest – R70 000 (ATH1919, Lot 38)
Average – R49 000
(15/15 Sold)
Congratulations to Louw Pretorius from Bethal for purchasing the highest-priced Braford bull from Athalia Brafords!

- Brafords@Besters
- 31 August 2022, Besters
Highest – R160 000 (NT19108 [Lot 4] & T1976 [Lot 5])
Average – R63 170
Highest – R26 000
Average – R17 215
100% sold.
Congratulations to The Bronzunck Trust (Bronwin Zuncke) from Kokstad for purchasing both of the highest-priced Braford bulls at R160 000 each. Well done on a successful auction held by Nooitgedacht Brafords and Z4T Brafords.

- Beefpower Brafords
- 15 September 2022, Aliwal North
Bulls, 15/14
Highest – R60 000
Average – R48 035
Heifer & Calf
Highest – R23 000
Average – R22 750
Heifer in Calf
Highest – R20 500
Average – R20 333
Lot 3 VAG19141, sold at R60 000 to Hennie Vorster from Lady Grey. Lot 6, VAG20148 sold at R60 000 to Jannie Goosen from Boesmanskop. Congratulations!

Die Brafords hou geslaagde veiling ten spyte van Lockdown, koue en reën. Bul van Gert van der Merwe en Johan de Jager haal R100 000. Dit is die derde jaar, in ‘n ry, dat hulle die duurste bul op Nasionale veiling het. Bul GM162 is aan “BEEFPOWER” BRAFORD STOET van Van Aardt Greyling van Lady Grey verkoop.
15 Bulle – R58 500
12 Dragtige Koeie – R17 625
36 Dragtige Verse – R15 868
5 Koeie + kalwers – R16 800
Baie geluk aan kopers en OVK
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